(PDF) Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis - Academia
2010年6月17日 Fortunately, recent scientific research has revealed that Rhus chinensis compounds possess strong antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antidiarrheal and antioxidant activities. Moreover,
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A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and ...
2022年7月15日 Rhus chinensis Mill., firstly recorded as herbal medicine in Shan Hai Jing, have been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases.
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(PDF) Evolutionary History of Rhus chinensis
2019年3月1日 To explore the origin and evolution of local flora and vegetation, we examined the evolutionary history of Rhus chinensis, which is widely distributed in China’s temperate and subtropical...
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Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus ...
2022年9月13日 Rhus chinensis Mill. is a medicinal plant with a long history and wide distribution. Traditionally, its roots, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds, and Galla chinensis can be used to treat
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Rhus Chinensis and Galla Chinensis - Folklore to Modern Evidence ...
2010年12月1日 Fortunately, recent scientific research has revealed that Rhus chinensis compounds possess strong antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antidiarrheal
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(PDF) Nutritional Analysis and Product Development from Rhus
Rhus chinensis Mill. is a lesser known highly acidic fruit, traditionally used for its digestive properties and treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and gastrointestinal ailments. In this study,
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A chromosome‐scale genome of Rhus chinensis Mill. provides new ...
2024年1月25日 Rhus chinensis Mill., an economically valuable Anacardiaceae species, is parasitized by the galling aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis, resulting in the formation of the
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Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis - Wiley Online Library
2010年11月22日 Fortunately, recent scientific research has revealed that Rhus chinensis compounds possess strong antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antidiarrheal and antioxidant activities. Moreover,
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Traditional medicinal uses and pharmacological properties of Rhus ...
2018年8月1日 Rhus chinensis Mill., has a long history of traditional medicinal and culinary use by native people of North-Eastern part of India. It is considered as a medicine for the treatment
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moulin pdf chinensis rhus
pdf rhus chinensis molino. pdf Rhus chinensis moulin. Rhus chinensis Mill SpringerLink pdf rhus chinensis mill in nigeria Rhus chinensis Mill Dry galls contain 50 to 80 tannin in the form of Gallo tannic acid small amounts of fat resin and gum The stembark contains 105 tannin The fruit contains tannin gallic acid and potassium acid salts together with small amounts of ...
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2021年9月1日 PDF Rhus chinensis is lesser known highly acidic fruit, traditionally used for its digestive properties and treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and ...
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(PDF) Variation among the Complete Chloroplast
2022年10月25日 The sumac Rhus chinensis Mill. is an economically and ecologically important shrub or tree species in the family of Anacardiaceae with a wide distribution in East to Southeast Asia.
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Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis--folklore to modern
The species Rhus chinensis Mill. (Anacardiaceae) is an important representative of the genus Rhus, which contains over 250 individual species found in temperate and tropical regions worldwide. Rhus chinensis has long been used by folk medicine practitioners in Asia. Leaves, roots, stem, bark, fruit
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(PDF) Phytochemical and antioxidant attributes of Rhus chinensis
PDF On Aug 8, 2023, Dhani Raj Chhetri and others published Phytochemical and antioxidant attributes of Rhus chinensis Mill., an edible wild fruit from Sikkim Himalaya Find, read and cite all ...
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Rhus chinensis Mill. - ScienceDirect
2023年1月1日 Rhus chinensis Mill (also known as Rhus semialata Murray, Family Anacardiaceae) is a deciduous underutilized wild edible fruit tree. It is native to China and Japan and distributed in tropical and subtropical regions at an altitude of 1300 to 2400 m asl in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia, Mayamar, Java, Europe, Ceylon, Korea.
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(PDF) Complete chloroplast genome of Rhus chinensis by
2019年1月2日 Rhus chinensis is an important economic species, which could provide raw materials for pharmaceutical and industrial dyes. This is the first report of R. chinensis chloroplast genomes by de novo ...
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A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and ...
2022年7月15日 In order to discover more compounds with novel structures to both enrich chemical context of genus Rhus and expand the variety of constituents, the phytochemical research is urgent and indispensable. Anti-diarrhea, the most widely application of R. chinensis traditionally, is insufficient in underlying mechanism exploration. And for other activities, in
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(PDF) Rhus chinensis Mill. Fruits Ameliorate Hepatic Glycolipid ...
2021年12月15日 PDF Hepatic glycolipid metabolism disorder is considered as one of the key factors in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. The objective of this ... Rhus chinensis Mill.
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(PDF) Ethnomedicinal Knowledge Verification for the Antidiarrheal
2021年1月8日 Rhus chinensis Mill. was reported to have antibacterial activity against a wide range of gram positive and gram-negative bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia ...
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(PDF) Nutritional Analysis and Product Development from Rhus chinensis
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol 18(1), January 2019, pp 16-24 Nutritional evaluation of Rhus chinensis Mill. (Heimang) and development of value added products Memthoi Devi Heirangkhongjam*,1,2,+ Iboyaima Singh Ngaseppam1,2 1 Department of Fruit and Vegetable Technology, CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru 570 020, India. 2
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(PDF) Nutritional evaluation of Rhus chinensis Mill. ( Heimang )
Rhus chinensis Mill. is a lesser known highly acidic fruit, traditionally used for its digestive properties and treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and gastrointestinal ailments. In this study, physicochemical characteristics and nutritional properties
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(PDF) Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Antidiabetic Potential, and In
2022年8月3日 Rhus chinensis Mill. (Anacardiaceae), occurs as a deciduous tree in India, China, Korea, Japan and south eastern Asia. Its leaf decoction is used to treat haemoptysis, inflammations, laryngitis ...
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(PDF) Traditional medicinal uses and pharmacological properties of Rhus
Introduction 3 “Rhus chinensis Mill.”(synonym: Rhus semialata Murray, Rhus javanica) belonging to the family Anacardiaceae, common name “Nutgall tree” or “Chinese sumac” is a deciduous tree mainly found in China, Japan and North-Eastern parts of India.
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Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus ...
2022年9月1日 Request PDF Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus chinensis Mill.: a review Rhus chinensis Mill. is a medicinal plant with a long history and wide distribution.
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(PDF) Protective Effect of Rhus chinensis Mill. Fruits on 3,5 ...
2022年10月1日 This study focused on the preventive effects of the extracts of Rhus chinensis Mill. (RCM) fruits on cholestasis induced by 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) in mice.
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(PDF) A chromosome-level genome assembly of the Rhus gall
2024年1月2日 The life cycle of Schlechtendalia chinensis comprises several generations and alternates between two unrelated host plants. (1) A wingless foundress is produced on its primary host Rhus chinensis.
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[PDF] Morphological and anatomical studies of the newly recorded Rhus
2018年6月27日 Capitate glandular and nonglandular trichomes, and also epicuticle hairs have been observed in the leaf surfaces of R. chinensis. Rhus chinensis Mill. (Anacardiaceae) has been reported as a new record for the flora of Turkey. Detailed morphological description and leaf anatomical properties are provided. Capitate glandular and nonglandular trichomes, and also
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(PDF) The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Rhus chinensis
2016年9月1日 PDF In this study, complete chloroplast genome sequences of Rhus chinensis was characterized by de novo assembly using whole genome sequence data. The... Find, read and cite all the research ...
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